Muleflock and Beechtree Farm is diversifying the use of our land, our facilities, and our Bluefaced Leicester genetics through the use of our Bluefaced Leicester rams on several well known British breeds of hardy ‘hill and upland’ type ewes. These hardy ewe breeds are know for their ability to produce lamb & wool with minimal or no grain input.
When crossed
with a Bluefaced Leicester tup you get the
The new flock additions and the commercial marketing scheme are under the direction and watchful eye of Mark Lelli, DVM.
The Bluefaced Leicester Influence
Conformation: The Blueface
increases the length of body, which enables the mule ewe to carry multiple births, and wether lambs to be finished to a wide range
of carcass weights.
Vigor: The crossbred mule lambs are vigorous at birth and well protected to withstand
harsh conditions.
Lambing Percentage: It is not uncommon for Mule flocks to produce lamb crops exceeding
Easy care management: The Mule ewe’s mothering ability and milkiness from day
one through finished stage ensures an efficient grass to meat conversion.
Wool: The
fineness and quality traits of the Bluefaced Leicester’s wool are passed on to its progeny, increasing the value of the wool clip.
The prolificacy, milkiness, and conformation passed on to the Mule ewe
from the Bluefaced Leicester makes her the perfect prime lamb producer,
when put to any terminal sire.